My work is featured in a book!!! One of my mandalas, along with a quick snippet about yours truly, made the cut in Louise Gale’s new book. If you are ever looking for a fun, inspiring, no pressure online color and design class, she’s the one (
Puppy mandala
Another special request, of puppies of a very specific breed:flat coated chocolate retriever...
Sssssssnake mandala
Another special order for a pillow. A subject I never thought I would have approached for a mandala...
Springtime Mandala
Special request for a mandala pillow with bunnies. I took the Spring theme a bit further...
Pillow Mandala Dolls ... Coussin Mandala
Special order from a friend, based on a mandala I designed a while ago.
Paisley mandala
I was planning on adding a paisley motif, but it somehow turned into fish.
Spring Mandala
Hoping to find a big of balance in my daily balance. Designing mandalas always works...
Mandala Tagada
Mandalas, the interview
The wonderful Louise Gale just posted an interview of me on her blog, focused around my mandala explorations. If you're ever feel like you need a boost or escape in creativity land, I strongly recommend her classes, they're just so inspiring.
La merveilleuse Louise Gale vient de publier un article sur moi sur son blog, plus spécialement sur mes mandalas. Si vous êtes une fois en manque d'énergie ou avez envie de vous évader dans un monde créatif, je vous recommande ses cours, ils sont excellents.
Llama mandala ... Mandala à lamas
Elephant mandala ... Mandala à éléphants
Flyer mandala ... Pub mandala
I never thought my mandala classes would come in handy so quickly. Aside from my dayjob and a whole bunch of other fun things, I'm also the coordinator for the french after school program in the Marin County, in charge of the marketing. Considering how difficult it is to find students in some of the classes, I decided to revamp the flyer into something more fun, colorful, flashy and playful. So, here it is. And if you feel like signing your kids up for the class, don't hesitate...
Je n'aurais jamais pensé que mon cours de mandala me soit aussi rapidement utile. A côté de mon travail et un tas d'autres trucs sympas, je suis également coordinatrice pour le programme français de Marin County, responsable du marketing. Comme chaque année on peine à remplir toutes les classes, j'ai décidé de revisiter le poster pour en faire quelque chose de plus sympa, coloré et ludique. Voilà le résultat. Et si par hasard vous cherchez des cours de français, n'hésitez pas...